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Keeping Communities Safe

July 26, 2021

How five Building Tomorrow Fellows rose to the challenge and became public health advocates. In late June 2021, Uganda began…

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Welcome New Board Members

October 9, 2013

Indianapolis, IN-The Board of Directors of Building Tomorrow, Inc. has elected three new members. They are Jean S. Blackwell, Elizabeth…

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Introducing the Building Tomorrow Fellowship

In a few months, Building Tomorrow will open the doors on its 18th Academy in Uganda, signaling the completion of…

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Chief Dreamer Check In | September 2013

September 19, 2013

The buzz words ‘monitoring and evaluation,’ have become so hip within international development organizations we’ve coined them a nickname: ‘M&E.’…

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Back to School

September 12, 2013

When you work for an organization like Building Tomorrow, where we focus on giving children the opportunity to go to school, it’s hard not to be reflective about your own educational journey.

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2012: A Year in Review

August 28, 2013

On behalf of the growing team at Building Tomorrow, we are thrilled to share with you our 2012 year in…

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BT Road Trip 2013

This fall, I will be taking another BT Road Trip to connect with as many students as possible on new…

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