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Keeping Communities Safe

July 26, 2021

How five Building Tomorrow Fellows rose to the challenge and became public health advocates. In late June 2021, Uganda began…

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News from Furman University, Greenville, SC

June 29, 2012

Our chapter of BT at Furman University has just gotten started. I first heard about Building Tomorrow when George came…

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Meet Ronald

June 28, 2012

As the summer has officially begun, many people use this season to take a little time to travel. College students…

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A Student’s Dream: Class Inside

June 25, 2012

In the U.S. when our teachers decide to take class outside for the day, smiles and excited faces are the…

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Kyeitabya – getting close!

June 22, 2012

The Building Tomorrow Academy of Kyeitabya is close to completion! The land is now full of freshly planted maize, ground-nuts…

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Meet Elizebeth, aka ‘Betty’

June 20, 2012

Being a college student about to embark on my Senior year, I get asked this question all the time, ‘What…

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Meet Mama Victor

June 18, 2012

While the community donates the land and 20,000 hours of labor to the construction project of any of our BT…

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