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Keeping Communities Safe

July 26, 2021

How five Building Tomorrow Fellows rose to the challenge and became public health advocates. In late June 2021, Uganda began…

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What can you do with a dollar?

February 8, 2011

In 90 seconds, we can make one brick in Uganda. In time, we’ll make 24,000 bricks. And 24,000 bricks builds…

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Jomba #5

February 4, 2011

The BT Academy of Jomba (#7) is open!

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Jomba #4

February 3, 2011

Community members, family & friends of future BT students worked together to ready the BT Academy of Jomba for its…

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Jomba #3

February 2, 2011

A HUGE thank you to the City of Indianapolis and the University of Wisconsin-River Falls for supporting the construction of…

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Jomba #2

February 1, 2011

Community leaders (in yellow) celebrate the opening of their new Academy with lots and lots of singing and dancing! These…

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