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Keeping Communities Safe

July 26, 2021

How five Building Tomorrow Fellows rose to the challenge and became public health advocates. In late June 2021, Uganda began…

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Meet Kayima

October 25, 2010

name Joseph Kayima (Kayima) age 5 years old (tanno) home Kyeitabya, Uganda (Kiboga District) class starting P1 next year Kayima…

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Video of the week: Practicing English @ Lutisi

October 20, 2010

Students at the Building Tomorrow Academy of Lutisi, supported by Key Club International, practice their English for friends and family…

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Video of the week: an Interview with Jennifer Bunkwaitse, Headmistress at Lutisi

October 14, 2010

Jennifer Bunkwaitse, Headmistress at the Building Tomorrow Academy of Lutisi, supported by Key Club International, talks to Building Tomorrow about…

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Updates from Uganda: Jomba

October 13, 2010

Finishing touches on the P6 classroom floor @ the BT Academy of Jomba!

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