Inclusive Education

Building an inclusive future.

Inclusive, quality education for ALL children

Building Tomorrow is committed to ensuring all children have the opportunity to learn, regardless of ability or background. In the rural areas we serve, children with disabilities are often kept out of school due to social stigma. By making a concerted effort to recruit children with disabilities to join our programming and support them through inclusive education techniques, we’re challenging perceptions of what these children can accomplish in their communities and beyond.

“People with disabilities can do whatever they put their minds to if they have the support and encouragement of their communities.”

—Nuruyati, CEV, Kigari Village

Phionah's family worried that her physical disability would make her a burden for teachers. Our Fellows convinced them that she deserves an education. Now she's at school and loves learning to read.

Brenda's grandmother had never sent her to school. She worried that, being deaf, Brenda couldn't learn with others. She allowed Brenda to join a Roots to Rise Community camp in her village, and for the first time saw just how capable Brenda really is. Now, at 12 years old, Brenda has enrolled in school for the first time in her life.

Supporting universal access to education

We train Building Tomorrow Fellows and Community Education Volunteers in Universal Design for Learning (UDL)-driven practices, ensuring that all of our learners are given equal opportunity to succeed. We work closely with government partners to train leaders on UDL, which they then implement in their interactions with school leaders and teachers. Finally, we are working to create Communities of Practice for teachers in schools so they can learn from each other and contribute to best practices.


Out-of-school children with disabilities enrolled in school in 2024


Learners with disabilities enrolled in Roots to Rise literacy and numeracy programming in 2024


Inclusive Education Champions engaged in 2024
(more details below)

Empowering youth advocates

Fellows and CEVs also work to recruit Inclusive Education Champions, children with or without disabilities who are committed to supporting their peers with disabilities and advocating for disability rights in their communities. In 2024, Fellows and CEVs have engaged 507 Inclusive Education Champions, who have helped advocate for the enrollment of 673 children with disabilities in Roots to Rise camps.

Support Inclusive Education
